These are the pictures that don't really fit into one of the other sections. They include my emotional departure and exausted return (If you want to see how I looked with approximately 5hrs sleep out of 48hrs, that is a remarkably good approximation. One of the more fasinating things I found on my trip were the crop circles around Denver - the farmers there use huge rotating booms for irrigation which means the crops are farmed in literal circles. What was even more amazing is how they then harvest in wedges. I would like to take this opportunity to stress, I did see more of New York than just that one bridge, I just didn't have my camera with me. I had left my backpack at the apartment where I was staying, so was camera-less for my walk, however, I did see Central Park and a nice chunk of the upper west side. Arriving home was a wonderful feeling, sure it was the end of the trip, but I was well and truely exausted. In the photo, I have been in the house for about 10minutes and am dumping all of my stuff into the entry hall in search of pressies. (Thats Mum on the step - I think she was relieved to see her son home) |