Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza is probably the best known Mayan site. It's not far out of Cancun, so it's almost a mandatory stop for all the tourists. It is dominated by El Castillo, a huge pyramid dedicated to Kukulcan, the Feathered Serpent. Two sides of the pyramid have been restored and two are stablised, but not restored. Each side has a large stone staircase with the northern side staircase flanked by feathered serpents.

El Castillo is the first thing you see when you walk in, so everyone stops and gawks and takes photos. At the right time of the year, the sun casts a shadow down one of the serpents which makes it look as if the serpent is moving, unfortunately we were there two days too early. Which might have been a blessing, since they had thousands of people queue up to see it.

One of the other things Chichen Itza is known for is the ball court, this one is huge, its like a soccer pitch. Other ball courts are a fraction of the size. This one also has six identical carvings on the side showing the two teams of seven, the ball and the captain of one team cutting off the head of the other.

As an intersting aside, the natural assumption is the captain of the loosing team is the one that gets their head cut off, but our guide was telling us it was a seen as a privlege to be sacrified, so there is the possibility it was the winner. Were they fighting for life or fighting to be the god's chosen? Something to think about.

Chichen Itza also has the sacred cenote which they use to throw offerings into. Pottery, jewelry, people. Anything you wanted to send to the gods. Almost ironically it was the worse looking cenote I saw on the trip. A rather revolting fetid green colour.

The site itself is nice and spread out, but there are people selling stuff everywhere. It is like walking around a giant market, everywhere you look someone will be offering you a mask, tea towel, calendar, statue or t-shirt. For me, that really detracted from the experience. I also wasn't keen on the setting, it's a very dry, almost desert environment, it wasn't somewhere I could get enthusiastic about.

A great place to stop on the way to somewhere, or if you have some time in Cancun, worth dropping by. The shop by the main entrance does do an amazing slushie though. A wonderful thing.

El Castillo showing one restored and one unrestored side
2:23am 19th March 2012
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The classic shot of Chichen Itza - Kukulcan Pyramid or El Castillo
2:48am 19th March 2012
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Closeup of El Castillo
2:49am 19th March 2012
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Platform of the Jaguars
2:57am 19th March 2012
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Tzompantli (Yes, they are skulls) They would display the heads of their enemies here
2:59am 19th March 2012
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Outside the ball court
3:00am 19th March 2012
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Quite worn detail on top of the ball court
3:01am 19th March 2012
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This is here to show the colours which have faded everywhere else with time
3:03am 19th March 2012
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Head of one of the serpents
3:04am 19th March 2012
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The great ball court, aka Juego de Pelota
3:08am 19th March 2012
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These were the rings which you had to knock the ball through
3:22am 19th March 2012
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Motif showing the ball teams (7 a side)
3:23am 19th March 2012
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With detail of one of the captains having his head cut off
3:26am 19th March 2012
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Side wall of the ball court
3:28am 19th March 2012
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Detail on one of the platforms (back of the jaguar platform I think)
3:32am 19th March 2012
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The Sacred Well (Cenote Sagrado), compared to other cenotes, it does not look inviting
3:39am 19th March 2012
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The people on the causeway between the main site and the well
4:20am 19th March 2012
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I did like the way some things still just ran into the vegetation
4:21am 19th March 2012
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Glimpse of El Castillo from behind the Venus platform
4:24am 19th March 2012
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Another view of El Castillo
4:25am 19th March 2012
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Dig almost anywhere and you'll find ruins
4:33am 19th March 2012
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Same way that look closely and you'll see iguanas
4:37am 19th March 2012
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The Ossuary pyramid
4:40am 19th March 2012
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A Chac Mool, it was never made clear what their purpose was
4:43am 19th March 2012
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Another side of the Ossuary pyramid
4:44am 19th March 2012
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Caracol (which means snail) aka the Observatory
4:51am 19th March 2012
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La Iglesia (which means the Church, next to the Nunnery)
5:00am 19th March 2012
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The main Nunnery building, named because the stonework reminded the finders of a convent
5:03am 19th March 2012
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Faces of Chaac, on the La Iglesia
5:04am 19th March 2012
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Back of La Iglesia
5:06am 19th March 2012
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Profile pic of La Iglesia, those hooks on the corners are noses on the face of Chaac, the god of rain and lightning
5:06am 19th March 2012
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A classic Mayan style arch with the Observatory in the background
5:09am 19th March 2012
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Another shot of the Observatory
5:12am 19th March 2012
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And another iguana
5:23am 19th March 2012
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One of the platforms near the Ossuary
5:24am 19th March 2012
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Me looking casual at Chicken Itza
5:31am 19th March 2012
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Yeap, still looking casual
5:31am 19th March 2012
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Back at El Castillo
5:32am 19th March 2012
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Another of El Castillo showing the excvated door which leads to the inner pyramids
5:34am 19th March 2012
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One of the serpents on El Castillo
5:36am 19th March 2012
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Temple of the Warriors and the Group of a Thousand Columns
5:39am 19th March 2012
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Detail on the columns, each is carved with a warrior on each side
5:40am 19th March 2012
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Temple of the Big Tables, the small pyramid beside Temple of the Warriors
5:40am 19th March 2012
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Some more of the columns which form part of the Group of a Thousand Columns
5:41am 19th March 2012
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5:41am 19th March 2012
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Another jaguar
5:41am 19th March 2012
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A Chac Mool
5:44am 19th March 2012
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El Castillo again
5:45am 19th March 2012
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Decorations on the Venus platform I think
5:47am 19th March 2012
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More detail of the decorations
5:47am 19th March 2012
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And again
5:48am 19th March 2012
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Detail on the jaguar platform
5:49am 19th March 2012
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El Castillo and everyone getting ready to watch the snake shadow (Just starting to appear on the left staircase)
5:49am 19th March 2012
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The Great Ball Court. It is big
5:53am 19th March 2012
1200x803 296kb

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