I took way too long to put these photos up...

In 2010 there was a big family reunion being held in Ireland, so I had to get myself to Ireland to attend... and if you're going to Ireland, you're in Europe, so you may as well see it... and I really wanted to see Japan, which meant the US was in the way...

So I ended up on a packaged tour of Eastern Europe, although as I discovered, they don't like being called Eastern Europe, so some of the former Soviet bloc countries. I got a day in London, a week in Ireland for the reunion, then headed to the US.

I flew into Boston, was there for a few days, then headed across the US by train, literally coast to coast. Up to San Jose and then Seattle before finishing it off by flying to Japan for a week in Tokoyo with a day trip to Kyoto.

These are some of the several thousand (literally) pictures I took, they're arranged in chonological order, centered around the main area of interest at the time.